Max Life Accidental Death and Dismemberment Rider

Max Life Accidental Death & Dismemberment Rider

If you’re looking to secure your family’s financial future with a life insurance plan, you want to ensure that unexpected events don’t derail your financial planning. Max Life Insurance offers a rider that can help make your protection planning more comprehensive.

By adding the Max Life Accidental Death and Dismemberment Rider to your life insurance policy (at any point, as long as the remaining term of the base policy is at least 5 years), you can receive additional benefits if you are involved in an accident resulting in dismemberment or death. The benefits from this rider are separate from those of the base plan, providing an extra layer of protection.

Benefits Payable with Max Life Accidental Death and Dismemberment Rider

The benefits under this rider are payable under any of the following events:

A. Accidental Death Benefit:

While the base plan and rider is in force, if the Life Insured dies due to an accident, the Rider Sum Assured will be payable.

Death by accident means death is caused by a sudden, unforeseen and involuntary event caused by external, visible and violent means provided such death was caused directly by such accident and independently of any physical or mental illness within 180 days of the date of accident (and before the expiry of rider term).

Accidental Dismemberment Benefit:

While the base policy and rider is in force, the Rider Sum Assured will be payable if the Life Insured meets with an Accident which, within 180 days from the happening of such Accident (and before the expiry of rider term) and independently of all other causes, results in Life Insured being subject to one (or more) of the following impairments due to Injury:

  • Irrecoverable loss of entire sight in both eyes; or
  • Amputation or loss of use of both hands at or above the wrists; or
  • Amputation or loss of use of both feet at or above the ankles; or
  • Amputation or loss of use of one hand at or above the wrist and one foot at or above the ankle

The loss of use of the particular limb/loss of sight must be documented for an uninterrupted period of at least six months.

Loss of use – means total, permanent and irreversible loss of all functional use of a limb or organ.

Loss of sight – means total, permanent and irreversible loss of all vision in both eyes as a result of illness or accident (as applicable). The diagnosis must be clinically confirmed by an ophthalmologist. The blindness must not be correctable by aides or surgical procedures.

Limb means the whole hand at or above the wrist or the whole foot at or above the ankle.

The rider will terminate when the Rider Sum Assured is paid either due to dismemberment or due to death, whichever is earlier.

Key terms used above are defined as follows:

Accident – An Accident is a sudden, unforeseen and involuntary event caused by external, visible and violent means.

Injury – Injury means accidental physical bodily harm excluding illness or disease solely and directly caused by external, violent and visible and evident means which is verified and certified by a Medical Practitioner.

Medical Practitioner – A Medical Practitioner shall mean a person who holds a valid registration from the Medical Council of any State or Medical Council of India or any other such body or Council for Indian Medicine or for Homeopathy set up by the Government of India or State Government and is thereby entitled to practice medicine within its jurisdiction and is acting within the scope and jurisdiction of his license, provided such Medical Practitioner is not the Life Insured covered under this Policy or the Policyholder or is not a close family member, relative (by blood), spouse of the Life Insured and/or the Policyholder or a Medical Practitioner employed by the Policyholder/Life Insured.

Statutory impositions:

Premiums payable and benefits secured under your rider will be subject to all applicable taxes, cesses and levies as imposed by the Government from time to time, and you will be responsible for paying these statutory impositions.

Suicide Exclusion:

Notwithstanding anything stated herein, if the Life Insured whether minor/major and whether sane or insane, dies by suicide within 12 months of the effective date of risk commencement or the date of revival of the rider, the rider shall terminate immediately. In such cases, the Company shall pay 100% of total Premiums paid plus Underwriting Extra Premium paid, plus loading for modal premium, *“Total Premiums Paid” means the total of all Premiums received, excluding Underwriting Extra Premium, loading for modal premium, Rider Premiums, and applicable taxes, cesses or levies, if any

Other Exclusions:

The life Insured will not be entitled to any accidental benefit directly or indirectly, voluntarily or involuntarily due to or caused, occasioned, accelerated or aggravated by any of the following:

  • Life Insured being under the influence of drugs, alcohol, narcotics or psychotropic substance, not prescribed by a Registered Medical PractitionerInjuries resulting from war (declared or undeclared), invasion, civil war, riots, revolution or any warlike operations.
  • Participation by the Life Insured in a criminal or unlawful act with criminal intent
  • Service in military/paramilitary, naval, air forces or police organizations of any country in a state of war (declared or undeclared) or armed conflict
  • Participation by the insured person in any flying activity other than as a bona fide passenger (whether paying or not), Pilots and Cabin Crew in a licensed scheduled aircraft,
  • Engaging in or taking part in professional sport(s) or any hazardous pursuits, including but not limited to, diving or riding or any kind of race; underwater activities involving the use of breathing apparatus or not; martial arts; hunting; mountaineering; parachuting; bungee jumping
  • The radioactive, explosive or hazardous nature of nuclear fuel materials or property contaminated by nuclear fuel materials or accident arising from such nature.

2 thoughts on “Max Life Accidental Death and Dismemberment Rider”

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